Distribution the First

>> Monday, July 13, 2009

In distributing my first class chapbook, I definitely went the easy route. Nine of the fifteen were passed out in class. As evidenced here by cover model Ian:

I decided to present the remaining chapbooks for free at Little Branch Cafe, a coffee shop/bar in the South Loop. Here are a couple of photos:

While none moved Friday evening while I was at work - it was a slow night anyway - they were all gone when I came in for work on Saturday evening. A few were picked up by regular customers, but some were by new people. I'm interested in seeing what, if any, feedback I get when I see the people who picked them up again.

While it's nice to get them out so quickly and get them out to people I know and could possibly receive feedback from, I really want to ensure the next chapbooks move beyond the circle I've already been in. So while I will most likely post a few up at the coffee shop, I really want to investigate the ideas we posted in class further.


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